Our Story

White Light Candles was established in 2012 by my mother Trish. Trish wanted to create a candle that was different, that would not only fill the air with fragrance but for it to leave lasting and nourishing effects on the body. Trish once said ‘“Why waste a candle after it’s burnt, you might as well use it too.” She began to experiment with different types of candle wax, body safe fragrances and nourishing body oils until the perfect mix was created.

Trish loved to create things, her hands would work magic. From candles, to beaded necklaces, to paintings her mind was always flowing with creativity. Trish then fell sick for the second time in her journey with cancer, and grew her angel wings in 2016 at the age of 45.

Two months after my mother passed away I received a large shipment to my door of candle wax and candle jars. I was confused as my mother hadn't made candles for some time, due to her being terminally ill. So I Logged into her email account , her business account and her bank account and not one transaction was made. Where did all the jars and candle wax come from? I called my wholesaler and they advised me my mother put through the order. I strongly believe my mother wanted me to continue White Light Candles & Gifts. Everything I needed was in my hands.

White Light Candles & Gifts will forever be close to my heart. We have expanded the business by not only making body moisturising candles but also creating personalised gifts. I hope our products create wonderful memories in your home and as my mother would say…“Namaste”.

Lots of love,
Gemma x